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The good o'l days of USA

Class... That is what was left behind. :) 38 Years young here but always enjoyed seeing the early to mid 1900s era. Recently enjoyed watching these videos where they add sound and do their best to restore the color. Added some frames per second so it appears smother. Kinda cool to give you a sense as if you were standing right there at the time.

Yeah, life was a lot more entertaining when there were no antibiotics and you could die from a bacterial bug. And before there were vaccines for fatal childhood diseases families had more kids, just so enough of them would survive to support the old folks decades down the line. High death rates from disease are a lot more entertaining, right?

Monochrome was king, for still and moving pictures both. Who needs color, anyway?

Long-distance radio communication was borderline black magic to the average person. Think "Hardy Boys and the shortwave mystery". Now any teenager with a few bucks can buy a prepaid phone and call anyone on the planet. Not so much mystique to it now.

Yeah, life was a lot more entertaining when there were no antibiotics and you could die from a bacterial bug. And before there were vaccines for fatal childhood diseases families had more kids, just so enough of them would survive to support the old folks decades down the line. High death rates from disease are a lot more entertaining, right?

Monochrome was king, for still and moving pictures both. Who needs color, anyway?

Long-distance radio communication was borderline black magic to the average person. Think "Hardy Boys and the shortwave mystery". Now any teenager with a few bucks can buy a prepaid phone and call anyone on the planet. Not so much mystique to it now.

No wonder those old geezers were so tuff, they just had to suck it up and keep on going.
When I grew up in the 50s it was common to see guys die in their 40s and if you made it to your 60s you were Old. I was born in 1950 and can remember wondering if I would live to see the year 2000. Now I'm a Old Buzzard ! LOL
You made me remember something a friend brought to light one night. We were in our late 30s attending a school Halloween carnival, Its a small town so naturally everyone in the community was there. As we stood back watching all the kids having a good time, he says remember when we used to be out there having a good time and thinking, why are all these old people standing around? I laughed and said yeah I remember. He stood there for a second then looked at me and said, now we're the old people. I took a second and quickly scanned the crowded ball field then looked back at him and said, Yep, we are the old people, sad but true LOL!
A short time ago in the midst of Covid, some people started raising chicken in their garage, just like they did in during the great depression. People stole ketchup out of restaurants to make tomato soup for their families. People jumped out of high rise windows. So much for the stock market…. Some deny history others learn from it. Don’t let that cell phone get you hypnotized, lest you may find yourself flattened at the bottom of a cliff or open manhole.
I get up in the morning. Get in the car to go to work. Realize that I am driving a computer center. My car asked last evening 33.1mpg is a new high, Would you like to update the high mileage. I thing there are days that I miss putting that pot metal silver key in the ignition, pumping the gas 3 times then holding the foot feed halfway to they floor as the starter engaged. I remember the solid lifter on they the Chevrolet 250 inline 6 start tipping in my 1978 Chevy Nova, got 18 mpg at best on highway. No air conditioning, The Holly Monojet had an electric choke, but no integrated circuits in the vehicle. Aftermarket 8-track AF/FM radio from Sears, replaced the AC Delco AM radio. Seal on the door jam said Body by Fisher. The front license plate said, "USA 1 See America's First." Receipt in dash from Yenko Chevrolet Canonsburg, PA. Nissan claims my Rouge is made in America because the vehicle was assembled in the United States. I have to watch the news from Great Britain to get somewhat correct news. I keep an old Bell South touchtone corded telephone the time of the Bell system breakup hooked to a land line in my living room so I can remember answering the telephone and not tripping on the cord. News, then Carson, maybe Letterman then bed. "We now conclude this broadcast day." Life was different.

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