Still no sunspots, and it’s been the same for 37 consecutive days.
Geomagnetic conditions remained quiet, until “a minor stream of solar wind” (according to hit us on December 18. This drove the planetary A index to 13 from the low single digit values earlier in the week.
Average planetary A index for December 12-18 rose to 4.6, from 3.7 over the previous 7 days, while mid-latit...
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Geomagnetic conditions remained quiet, until “a minor stream of solar wind” (according to hit us on December 18. This drove the planetary A index to 13 from the low single digit values earlier in the week.
Average planetary A index for December 12-18 rose to 4.6, from 3.7 over the previous 7 days, while mid-latit...
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