CB call sign KBNT1164, Ham call sign KM6YDW. On the air I am Kilo Mike 6 Yellow Dog Whisky, on the CB I am 164 Northern Cal
If you have a hard copy of your CB radio license,could you take a picture of it.so I can cut and paste my information to it and make a copy .. thank you for your time..I still have my old license and tried to find a data base but it seems no where around.
My email address is dboy69420.dl@gmail.com.thankyou agian for your time...If you have a hard copy of your CB radio license,could you take a picture of it.so I can cut and paste my information to it and make a copy .. thank you for your time..
I too ran a Courier conquer 2:23 channel with added business channels call sign kalc0294KGO 6406 on a Courier 23 with the "special business channel"
Not mine but will this help?If you have a hard copy of your CB radio license,could you take a picture of it.so I can cut and paste my information to it and make a copy .. thank you for your time..
I didn't have a CB license, then or now. I was operating 11Q0082 as directed by my electronics teacher who was an "ex officio" licensee and who didn't have a personal CB license either.