I recently got a call from a buddy out in Mason Michigan who getting rid of his old shortwave tower (actual antenna was destroyed sadly, I'm getting my ham ticket soon and really could have used it!) that was at the house that his family lives at currently. He showed it to me and it seems to be in near "mint condition". Now my friends, I know I have asked ideas on builds before, but this is an entirely different one. If attached to my house or garage I can legally have it in my county. So long as it is 60 for less from tip of antenna. I was contemplating just putting a standard monopole on top (but alas this seems to simple for my tastes) I am hoping to have an omnidirectional antenna atop it, and don't want too much money invested into it so nothing too elaborate. Check out the link below to a list of a bunch of different antenna styles and tell me what you think. The website shows a list down below of different antenna styles, upon opening the link it shows radiation pattern as well as gain etc. Thanks!