I have the same antenna and once in a while I've seen small birds on the radials. Plenty of crows in my area and if a crow sits on a radial, I don't think the radial would hold the weight.Walking back from the mailbox and i look up to see a young Osprey firmly perched on my static cap. He/she was up there for about 5 minutes. Birds of this size and larger perching on my antenna often is why i decided against the matching designs on other antennas.
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I get Red Shouldered Hawks that perch on my radials all the time while hunting mice and lizzards and the radials hold up fine. I also have lots of crows and I have some rather large owls who hunt from it at night. So far the Colossal is doing exactly what i bought it for.I have the same antenna and once in a while I've seen small birds on the radials. Plenty of crows in my area and if a crow sits on a radial, I don't think the radial would hold the weight.
I got it! A dual purpose antenna. Radio use and bird cooking! It must be a b**** to clean the burnt feathers off the radials. Lol....lol....lol!I get Red Shouldered Hawks that perch on my radials all the time while hunting mice and lizzards and the radials hold up fine. I also have lots of crows and I have some rather large owls who hunt from it at night. So far the Colossal is doing exactly what i bought it for.
Meh, it wasnt hurting anything, barely bending it. I was fairly surprised since i have owls twice that size perch.
Rumor has it Q'd Osprey is kinda tough
I'll show myself out...
I hope this thread doesn't run afowl.
It must be a b**** to clean the burnt feathers