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Titan RSPY-485 Mods?

This is the same as the Magnum 257. The older 257 and the Titan were the same radio, except the 257 delivered more output. There's not much you can do for "mods", unless you want to do the NPC/RC mod, which doesn't do much anyway, especially on this radio. Your best bet if want more power is to turn down the carrier then get yourself a little amp.

RV-4 AMC, AM Modulation
RV-9 ALC, SSB Modulation and Peak Power.
RV-14 FM Carrier Power
RV-16 AM Carrier
I agree, I have a Titan, I set the deadkey to 1.5 watts, and adjusted the AMC to get about 5 to 6 watts of swing. That works really well with the KLV-550 base it is freinds with. ALC I set to about 12-15 watts for SSB. I use either an Astatic 575 handmic or an Astatic 1104C base mic, both with tone set to just slightly lower than the middle position, both of these mics make it sound much better than the handmike it came with.

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