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Total Noob, whats there to know for a first time CB buyer?


Dec 19, 2006
Allright, I don't know much about CB radios, but I do have a couple of specific questions after reading on this board;
(Bytheway, I'm from Europe, Norway, and although CB radios is pretty much used the same way here as in the US, it may not apply to weather channels and such, but I don't really know. )

1. Do CB radios come in both AM and FM versions, or both, and which one of them is considered the most useable?

2. I've "heard" that CB radios is moving to a new set of frequencies, and that the old radios on the old frequencies is something one should avoid...which is the reason those radios is so cheap now. Is there any truth to this? WHat are the "old" and "new" frequencies, and how do you tell which cb radio is either in an ad?

3. SSB... whats that? And should I make a point trying to find a radio with SSB, or don't it matter much?

4. I have seen alot of CB's on ebay for around $50. Are these considered good radios, or should I avoid them? What exactly do these cheap radios lack, that the more expensive ones have? Any important features?

5. Do most or all new CB's for sale have a scan feature to monitor all channels? If not, what do they usually call this feauture in the ads, so I know what to look for...?

6. I'd like to be able to have a microfone where you can tap channels up or down with a button on the mic. Does such Radios and microfones exist?

7. Are there any other features I should be aware of when choosing my first CB that not all radios have?

All reply's are greatly appreciated.

Just buy you a RCI 2950DX radio and you'll have it all at your finger tip's.AM,FM,CW,SSB,and all the channel's you'll ever use.It also has the channel up and down button's on the mic.If your going to buy a radio might as well buy one with everything the first time around and you want have to worry about buying something else in the future,unless you want more power then just go with the RCI 2970DX.MORE POWER,TALK FURTHER!2950DX 30W,2970DX 150W!
Allright, yes that looked like a pretty nice setup, although my initial intention was CB radio, not amature radio. My dad has a couple of those, and I'd need a FCC permit to operate one. Just what I was trying to avoid.

I know amateur radio, 2meter, 10 meter etc is way better than simple CB radios. But I'm looking into the CB radios as a cheaper and easier way of communicating, to be used by the members in my car club.

So, I kinda got the mission of finding out what we really need, how affordable it can be while still being usable, and finding a good group purchase for those who are in on it.

Thanks for your reply anyway though.
tilstad said:
Allright, yes that looked like a pretty nice setup, although my initial intention was CB radio, not amature radio. My dad has a couple of those, and I'd need a FCC permit to operate one. Just what I was trying to avoid.

I know amateur radio, 2meter, 10 meter etc is way better than simple CB radios. But I'm looking into the CB radios as a cheaper and easier way of communicating, to be used by the members in my car club.

So, I kinda got the mission of finding out what we really need, how affordable it can be while still being usable, and finding a good group purchase for those who are in on it.

Thanks for your reply anyway though.

Well,just go find you a garage sale somewhere and maybe you can pick up some cheap stuff there!
Re: Total Noob, whats there to know for a first time CB buye

tilstad said:
(Bytheway, I'm from Europe, Norway, and although CB radios is pretty much used the same way here as in the US, it may not apply to weather channels and such, but I don't really know. )

"The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent United States government agency, directly responsible to Congress. The FCC's jurisdiction covers the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions."

If you are in Norway, you shouldn't have to worry about the FCC. You may have some similar entity you need to please; that I don't know.
Yes, thats what I meant. I simply wrote "FCC" for you to understand my point. It's of course my country's FCC equallant I have to abide here.

Now how about my initial questions, anyone care to comment on that?

To start with .... Welcome to the forum
You will find a lot of good people here
regardless if about CB,freeband,FRS,GMRS,MURS or Ham radio

Here in USA..CB is used in both AM and SSB modes
(there are many radios that can use other modes)

Here in USA CB frequencys are between 26,965 and 27,405 Mhz
there is zero indication any time soon that these frequencys will be expanded..and no way they would "move" the frequencys to elsewhere

SSB is a mode of usage which enambles higher PEP power because it is using basiclly 1/3 rd the bandwidth of say AM/FM and yes i would say is better to have a CB that has the abilities to use both AM and SSB

many features can be had
is doubtfull any under a $100 are worth talking about
elsewhere on the board you can look to see what suits your needs and desires...i would say be sure you get SSB

scan is not a "typical" cb feature
most likly so it can not be called a scanner and cause issues with police and scanners in a car

using mike to do channel up or down is a ok feature
again elsewhere on forum will guide you on that
(as to what CBs would have that)

you are using a single post to try to answer a many questions
in several areas...
is rather hard to do so..
but if you look under CB section....you likly will find most of what you want..

Good luck and again
welcome to the forum
Well thanks for the welcome, I appreciate it. :-)

If we stick to the SSB question for a bit; Can a person without SSB on his radio communicate with a person who use the SSB feauture? Or would both then have to switch to regular AM?
Re: Total Noob, whats there to know for a first time CB buye

tilstad said:
Allright, I don't know much about CB radios, but I do have a couple of specific questions after reading on this board;
(Bytheway, I'm from Europe, Norway, and although CB radios is pretty much used the same way here as in the US, it may not apply to weather channels and such, but I don't really know. )

3. SSB... whats that? And should I make a point trying to find a radio with SSB, or don't it matter much?

All reply's are greatly appreciated.

Here's some info about SSB -


With a stable transmit signal, a stable receiver, and patience, an operator using SSB can tune an AM signal in just fine. It doesn't work the other way, however. The receiver has to have a BFO function/product detector. Otherwise it sounds like Donald Duck.

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