1. I'm about to install a CB in my 2009 F-150 Super Cab and would like some feedback on my antenna location choice. I have an aluminum toolbox at the forward end of the truck bed that is bolted to the bed. I'm thinking that I will get the best signal pattern to the sides and rear of the truck if I mount the antenna dead center on the back of the box. The aluminum antenna bracket has enough offset so the antenna will clear the top when opened. I'm not really concerned about maximum gain to the front of the truck. Does this sound like a good location?
2. This question concerns the installation of a Sirio 3-element beam antenna on my house. I know that if installed vertically that it will receive signals from vertical antennas better than horizontal. But I would also like to talk longer distances and I have been led to believe that horizontal orientation is better for long distance because over long distance radio signals change orientation. I have one station about 65 miles from me as the crow flies that I would like to talk to. I can hear him on my Imax 2000 and he can tell I'm transmitting but he cannot understand any words. I don't know if he is talking on a vertical or horizontal antenna or if he is running an amp. Which orientation would you guys suggest for best all around performance?
2. This question concerns the installation of a Sirio 3-element beam antenna on my house. I know that if installed vertically that it will receive signals from vertical antennas better than horizontal. But I would also like to talk longer distances and I have been led to believe that horizontal orientation is better for long distance because over long distance radio signals change orientation. I have one station about 65 miles from me as the crow flies that I would like to talk to. I can hear him on my Imax 2000 and he can tell I'm transmitting but he cannot understand any words. I don't know if he is talking on a vertical or horizontal antenna or if he is running an amp. Which orientation would you guys suggest for best all around performance?