at the moment i have a Sirio 2016 I've been using on 11 meters if i can find a verticle antenna i can replace the Sirio with
If your HOA is letting you use a Sirio 2016, then whatever the height to the tip is, you can get a ground mounted multiband vertical that comes to roughly the same height and probably get away with it (The HOA may not even notice the change). It would probably need to be relocated to the center of your yard or some where with enough room to accommodate the ground radials coming off the base.
I assume that since you are replacing the Sirio, you want to be able to use whatever you put up on 11m too. That being said, any HF multiband vertical that has 10M or 12M can be "tuned" to 11M with a tuner.
I personally don't like to use a tuner; but to each, his own.
If you don't want to use a tuner, then select a Multiband vertical that uses a tapped inductance coil: (you can tap the coil for 11M)
or uses cut to length elements:
Where you can cut the 12M element a little short and make it for 11M.
Since you have your Tech and privileges on 10M, you will probably want to use the 10M element (just cut it for the phone portion of the band). This solution is basically a vertical Fan Dipole which has the advantages of not needing a tuner, traps, or a switch box.
Good Luck