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LMAO!! Its a common misconception or understanding in this topic, I just wish I could help people understand and believe this before they waste money on power levels that the only person thats gonna notice is them on there own power meter which isnt 9 times outta 10 accurate anyways.


I wasnt even gonna get started on where the most important begins (ANTENNA) and where the fun is as far as power level and the difference between that and spending more many than needed just to make no difference at all on the receiving end if its signal meter or just the human ear.


I could sit allday and explain how I dont even run my big amateur amplifiers other than at a 1/4 to 1 1/2 there rated power out because theres no need to when Im making my contacts just Idling along on the Watt meter reading.


As far as antenna we were messing around on 75 meters 3.913.0 lastweek and a group of us was runnin1 watt and some 2 watts whatever each idividual radio would drop down to on its lowest output power and we were giving oneanother anywhere from S6-S8 allnight and just laughing because there were people signing in running 1.5KW as usual and we would say hey we see your running your amp and we are playing QRP tonight and others would start doing the same and alot of the guys were lauphing because they were so entigued because they never knew thay could do what we were doin ;)


Its a learning thing to people everywhere and it doesnt matter how old the operator is or was because some just simply didnt know how good it worked aslong as you had a antenna that resonated good at the particular operating frequency ;)


Unless a person tries it and or experiments there gonna keep insisting on the more power the better and spending alot of money to back thta theory. Ive been there done that and got the T-Shirt im now ahead of that money game and have shown and helped others with understanding this.


Im just here to help not drag anyone down and once people relize the true way RF output works at its levels than they figure the rest out for themselves because it gets fun and cool when learning these things which are not secrets and its all right out there at ones fingertips to research.


I dont know about anyone else but I LOVE TO SAVE WHATEVER MONEY I CAN!! and not spend what I dont have to or on that few watts that no meter or ear is gonna see because we all know that Watts = $$$$$$$ But thats just me and you didnt get this info from me because Im not one to gossip LOL!! ;)