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UV-5r with out programming? Also can the uv5r TX when it's on the charger?


Sr. Member
Oct 8, 2011
Kansas City
On this Icom hand held I just spin the dial to where I want to talk and set the offset and tone... can this be done on the uv5r with out a programming cable?

I could just buy the cable but I don't want to wait for 2 weeks for it to get here (china special)

Can I still use this radio without programming?

Also can the uv5r TX when it's on the charger?

thats a good question i've been looking at those for gmrs ..trying to find out if they are useable on those band or if I need to program it
When I bought my radio, bought the programming cable at the same time.

As far as the question you ask, they are better off with the cable. Programming it manually can be done. Look at the Baofeng review thread; there with be a video that I posted there as to how it is done manually.
It's a pain in the ass without the cable but it is doable.

Where is says key there's supposed to be a pic of the up/down arrows, so you use the up/down to "scroll"
Do this:

Press [MENU] + 7 + [MENU] Use the key to select "dual-watch OFF"
Press [MENU] + EXIT To accept and exit

Press [MENU] + 1 + [MENU] Use the key to select 5.0 KHz Step
Press [MENU] + [EXIT] To accept and exit

Once that's done you don't have to do it again.

Enter 146 985 The receive frequency

Press [MENU] + 25 + [MENU] Use the key to select Minus Offset (-)
Press [MENU] + [EXIT] To accept and exit

Press [MENU] + 26 + [MENU] Use the key to select 00.600 MHz Offset
or use Keypad and enter 00600 MHz Offset
Press [MENU] + [EXIT] To accept and exit

Press [MENU] + 1 + 3 + [MENU] Use the key to select 100.0 Hz Tone
or use Keypad and enter 1000
Press [MENU] + [EXIT] To accept and exit

You should now be able to activate the repeater.... if you want to save the repeater to memory do:

Press [MENU] + 2 + 7 + [MENU] Enter 010 or Use the key to select 010
Press [MENU] + [EXIT] This stores the Receive Frequency

Press [*SCAN] (quick press) Display will show Transmit Frequency (146.385)

Press [MENU] + 2 + 7 + [MENU] Enter 010 (if required)
Press [MENU] + [EXIT] This stores the Transmit Frequency

Got that from Baofeng UV5R Buddy's QPG UV-5R it works for me.
There are also many videos on Youtube on how to program the UV 5R... I did mine manually until my cable came which only took 4 days in the mail. I didnt order it from Hong Kong, there are places here that have the cable and its not expensive.

If you dont want to keep hitting the MENU then a number on the pad , you can press MENU and use the up or down arrow to scroll to what you want such as OFFSET, or the CTCSS tones. I used the up /down arrows on the keypad it's doable and a pain but not as bad as manually doing a Yaesu.

The software can be downloaded just Google search and you will see UV 5R software, and also the USB drivers for Windows Vista or 7 or XP whatever you're using. Install the driver, load the program have the USB cable onto the HT, and turn it on, then select the comm port, you have a choice of 8 of them, its usually Comm 3, or 4, then select Program at the top of your software and pick Read from Radio, it will read, then you will have a sheet to enter all your Frequencies in, enter the tx, and rx freq, set the ctcss tone if you need one, set the power level etc... once all your repeaters are entered and any other freq's you set, just click on Write to radio.. and thats it your memory's are programmed. When you turn the radio on it will come on in either Channel Mode, or Frequency mode depending on what you have set in the menu. Don't worry you have a button on the front to toggle between channel and frequency mode. Channel mode is actually memory mode, freq mode is your VFO mode where you can punch in whatever you like.

This might seem confusing but once you have it in your hand, and look at a few Youtube videos it will become a piece of cake. One thing I do note, is if you want to lock out a channel during a scan, you will need to do it with your USB cable and the software, you cannot manually lock out a channel with the menu by hand.

Good luck...
A lot of people seem to make programming the UV-5R harder than it is. Partly I think this is due to the poor English instructions for the radio, and partly due to other instructions people have made up, which sort of follow how you'd program say a Yaesu radio.

Basically when programming a repeater, I've found that you don't need to bother with setting the offset.
-Just go into the menu and set the CTCSS code as appropriate.
-On frequency mode set VFO A to the output frequency of the repeater
-Using the menu, save that frequency to an available memory slot
-Change VFO A to the input frequency of the repeater
-Using the menu save that frequency to the same memory slot (it will indicate that this is transmitting memory rather than receiving memory, trying to tell you in it's own way that you've just saved a transmit frequency rather than a receive.)

You're done. No need to mess with offsets, just manually key in each side of the repeater and the CTCSS and save it.

Programming repeaters from the radio goes very fast.
I have one and it is a PITA to program manually but doable. I'd be willing to be that if you were to only use manual programming, you would have less stored memories than if you bought the programming cable. Repeater programming is more of a pain than just simple simplex channels. It also receives FRS/GRMS and MURS very well.
Once you do it manually a few times you get used to it.. Ive punched in several repeaters manually and its not hard... easier with a cable yes, but I don't always reach for the cable....

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