I used to tinker with old tube radios a bit when i was younger, had a lot of old parts laying around, old tubes.
I found I did not have as much time anymore, and my hands are not as good as they once were, so I sold a lot of it off on E-Bay.
But....( always that word)
I came across this yard sale radio that I am going to bring back to life as I find a few tubes for it, and go down to storage and see what I have stuck away in bins down there.
It is a Silver Tone 6151 table top radio.
It is missing a couple of tubes, and the a few of the caps on the bottom do not look healthy.
The guy I got it from says it did not work, it was apart when i picked it up, knobs missing, the plastic that covers the tuning dial is yellow from being exposed to sunlight.
The Magic eye tube is still there, it is missing the 25z6gt rectifier tube and a 25b6g pentode, but i know i still have a box of tubes in my junk down there...might be one of each.
The speaker has a tear in it,but i can patch that.
This will be a winter project, when it is snowing and cold outside lol.
Here are a few pictures of it in the "as found condition"