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Virus problem?


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
For the third time in two days, as I bring up the Worldwide URL, my AVAST program is telling me that a Trojan virus has been blocked. Has any one else experienced this?

no problem here with this forum, I run NORTON

however,..... a certain popular CB Antenna web site DOES have a virus issue
Thanks for the replies. I ran a scan and found one infection. I think the problem may lie with "Chrome". I'll uninstall and and reinstall it. May have a corruption issue.
I run a few programs and my computer is like Fort Knox unless Im an idiot and ignore a warning and bypass the warning and let something in. I repair computers mechanical aswell as virus removal installations ETC. Ive seen and worked on some horrible Viruses and most came from porn sites. People would argue with me "I DONT LOOK AT PORN!!!" Well its real simple I just show them what the file or files containg the root of the problems and they will still argue and some laugh because they know their busted.

This usually is because someone clicked on and said Ok to something downloading and or opening so in a sense they have invited their computers demise. However I see alot of times that a antivirus or another form of a malware or internet protction program can glitch or give a false warning on a particular site. This is usually do to someone having an issue and posting that they got a Virus from a particular site so its put on a list of sites known or reported to be unclean or infected.

This is a hit and miss type thing but aslong as a person has antivirus and internet protection along with good judgement thats all they really can do or need. People often tell me how they have one of these FREE Antivirus and say "Ooohhh but its the best because the site says so' Well I explain that nothing free is gonna be the BEST or its certainly not going to be FREE!!! Although something or somesort of Anturius / Pretection is better than nothing ;)

Aslong as their are several others of us that are not seeing or having an issue most likely there isnt one and your Antivirus can be glitching due to a recent update. What is the message you are getting and with what program?
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Thatta boy M4!! People need to do this and just are to lazy or dont understand and or again are simply to lazy to learn how!! I tell people all the the time that the biggest problem areas are FREE sites because if its free nobody is gonna spend the money to protect their site for free for other people to use!!!

The biggest target sites for malicious activity are FREE music movie and video and computer app dowloads, Game sites Free porn, and other child sites. People ask why child sites or music?? I explain that most kids dont understand the severity of what they can get from these sites nor do they even think about it all they see is FREE and have at it. They can use the site for several visits and downloads but eventually their gonna get hammered and good usually through a download.

The @$$pipes that launch these nasties know that kids are the way they are and adults alike when they see free "OOOHH BOY HOW COOL!!! and everyone is gonna use the site and tell all there friends about it and pretty soon every Tom Dick and Harry is using it and what not an awsome place to launch havoc and get the horse$h!+ circulating but good.

My kids all know better and know how to avoid and get rid of some of these issues but from years ago their friends would play on their computers and make a mess of things. I havent had to sit down with their machines in a few years but I think somethings up with my 16 year old sons gaming PC because he hasnt been on it and seems to use my battle axe of a PC in the living room that I built a few years back.

I asked him why hes on my machine and he said that mines way faster well he knows I have a few more cores than his PC which his is no slouch anyways. Im pretty sure that his screwing around and gaming got him in a jam again and he doesnt want to say, Unless he was in another site and doesnt want dad to see LOL!!

Parents need to explain to kids the severity of what can happen and its not all about what happens to the pc itself but what happens with your privacy ETC. ANYONE NOT RUNNING A FIREWALL IS SIMPLY CRAZY even if you have to resort to the windows firewall thats included in window you have torun something!! I often laugh at these commecials about these websites like "Clean My PC" its a trap and a joke you can do what this and other programs of the alike do for free!!

All in all you have to be careful and make you kids and family members aware of what they are doing and where they go online. Also remember as I tell people dont ever type anything online that you dont want anybody else to see because the internet is the gateway to the world so dont ever think you 100% safe. ;)
I've also been getting intermittent warnings from Avast when I enter this site for the last couple of weeks saying it has BLOCKED a Trojan from this site. No viruses were found on my Windows 7 machine running Firefox. Could be adware or spyware related?

Just saying.... Something IS up. Next time it comes up I'll post which Trojan it's blocking.

sometimes doing a google search and this site comes up,if i click on the ulr it redircts me to a markting site.

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