Reposted without request, remorse, or regret. Because, I am the original poster I didn't have to ask for permission.
Enjoy or ignore, up to you.
...Sitting in line, listening to VHF/UHF mobile, in the car, waiting for coffee. It's a thing here, really. Baristas working feverishly to construct a "Trenti iced coffee, 12 pumps [sugar-free] vanilla, 12 pumps [sugar-free] hazelnut, 12 pumps [sugar-free] caramel, 5 pumps skinny mocha, a splash of soy, ice, double-blended!" (there's always one and they're always in front of me). When I hear this relating to VHF/UHF radio on a very broad coverage local repeater.
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual Yeah Mike my educated deduction from the measurements you have from my mobile install lead me to believe I have a transmission line problem. Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual , over.
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix from Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual (speaking over the full repeater ID tail) Paul I came to the same determination. I believe the vizwars can be virtually eliminated by adjusting the transmission line length. Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix from Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual over
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual Mike, don't we first have to determine if those are positive or negative vizwars to identify if the transmission line is too long or too short? Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual over
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix from Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual Paul I'm sure the differential measurements taken at the base of the antenna input and at the radio output will tell you that.
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix from Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual over
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual Mike , I'm predominately destinated here so we'll have to continue this Que Ess Oh via portable while I shuffle vehicles around. You know how the Howa gets about vehicles parked on the street and garage doors being open. Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual over.
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix from Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual Well Paul Quirt for now and I'll look forward to hearing you on portablethree. Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual over,
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual quirtz here and quizwhy to portablethree. Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablethree to Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual over
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablethree from Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactualforidentification (again, talking over the complete repeater id tail)Your aparzz shows your position is different for Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablethree than for Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablesix I thought that was corrected with your last factory reset Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablethree from Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual over.
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablethree with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual We'll have to compare that with Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieactual when I get into the house over.
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablethree from Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual It will be interesting to see if all three align. It's possible all three tranceivers need to be reset at the same time. over.
Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablethree with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual I'll be quirtz from Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablethree and quizwhy to Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieactual when I'm completely destinated . Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablethree with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual , Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablethree quirtz and quizwhy to Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieactual , Doubleusevenalphabrovocharlieportablethree with Doubleusevenxrayyankeezebraactual
As we are receiving our Mocha and two shots in a cup the barista who is a licensed technician and aspiring general ( cute ass* heck too) asks " what were they talking about?"
Repeater control operator...
N7LMO ...
N7LMO from AF7XT
Dennis, What did I just hear ?
Bob, I assure you I have no idea.
To the barista , "Some amateur radio operators are far more amateur than operator"
Barista "So those two were morons?" ...
Neither my driver Kevin KI7CWV or myself were able to come up with words for several seconds. Attempting to speak through convulsive laughter, tears and a fair bit of coffee coming out the nose (I won't tell who..) compounded the problem. All the while yet another "Trenti iced coffee, 12 pumps [sugar-free] vanilla, 12 pumps [sugar-free] hazelnut, 12 pumps [sugar-free] caramel, 5 pumps skinny mocha, a splash of soy, ice, double-blended!" or some such waited behind us wondering what was going on as much as we did.
There is very little embellishment in this tale. The call signs other than mine and Keven's have been changed. Bob, the control operator, didn't even want to be associated with the above QSO by admitting to listening (I did ask). I relate it first for humor's sake and then as an example of a lack of mentoring by the established amateur community.