Remember, With just about any vertical antenna, you need the "second half" of the antenna to work against. in this case, the counterpoise section. Preferably 1/4 wl at the lowest frequency you intend to work at and at least 8 wires (more is better but there is a diminishing return feature. That and commercial broadcasters are required BY LAW to have at least 120 radials in there counterpoise construction). Mind you, they arent like 00 B.A.C's #14 copper works well too! and the glory of it is, they dont even have to be straight. You can scalp the lawn. lay the counterpoise and staple it down with lawn staples then let the grass grow back. yer done! You dont worry about it much in the mobile because the vehicle acts as the counterpoise!
By design, verticals have a low take-off angle of RF energy and make great DX antennas. They sometimes suck for NVIS work but low dipoles work wonders for that. And again, dont forget about the polarization. you loose something like (gosh what is it) 30db(?) between vertical and horizontal polarization?
Another issue is RF feedback. since your working in the V vice the I plane, your going to get RF feedback into the shack or worse (the dreaded worked all neighbors or worked all consumer electronics award!). Since you didnt use a counterpoise so.... the shield of the coax is going to be used as the counterpoise. Not the best scenario. So if you are not going to use counterpoises (why not?) you had best invest in a good 1:1 current balun to force equal current between the two conductors to help prevent the junk that is going to happen. Good place to read up is at DX (here is a good PDF on what baluns do and how to choose the correct one!
Balun information )
Dont wanna buy one? Sometimes I dont blame ya here is a way to make a decent 1:1 current balun with the coax your using!
The UGLY balun! If you are using RG-8/213, a hunk of 4" PVC conduit or sewer pipe works fine! Mini-8 would probably be good with uhh... 2.5" maybe? I built the RG-8 one and I had all the stuff around the house (yeah I packrat scrap PVC and PVC conduit. Ya never know....)
Anyhow, I think I have rambled on for a bit. Give that a read and see what you think. Anyone else wanna add in?