My radio is 14 years old, and been super tuff, tonight i checked in to the local net,fine no problems. During round table comments I keyed up, and (only) the freq display started blinking, but not the battery display, the scale says it was keyed up, but i could change frequincies, bands, vfo to mem,manually key in frequincies, turn on/off,took the battery out/in, go thru all 43 menus,like nuthing was wrong. BUT no RECEIVE at all, total silence.
Then after 5 or so min, it started workin again, now its fine, (till it happens again). Any Ideas? Same ever happen to anyone elses?
Thanks in advance Mark
WOW 10 min later it has started again!
Then after 5 or so min, it started workin again, now its fine, (till it happens again). Any Ideas? Same ever happen to anyone elses?
Thanks in advance Mark
WOW 10 min later it has started again!