I've used the W6LVP Active Receive Loop antenna for a few years, supplementing my primary antenna to null out unwanted noise, hear tough stations, and as a diversity RX antenna with the Elecraft K4D. I had it mounted above a 6 meter 3 element M2 Yagi. The vent pipe mount of this configuration didn't survive the recent SoCal wind storm and the result was that the W6LVP PVC mast broke when it came down.
Anyone could easily make an alternate mast, but I wanted mine to be original. When the local Home Depot didn't have the same PVC components, I contacted W6LVP to purchase replacement parts. To my surprise, he offered to send them to me for free, which I didn't need or expect!
Today I put the antenna back up.
I love this RX antenna and wouldn't be without one. It especially shines on 40 meters and below, but is also useful on higher bands. If you're considering an antenna like this, you won't beat the performance and customer service of the W6LVP.
Anyone could easily make an alternate mast, but I wanted mine to be original. When the local Home Depot didn't have the same PVC components, I contacted W6LVP to purchase replacement parts. To my surprise, he offered to send them to me for free, which I didn't need or expect!
Today I put the antenna back up.
I love this RX antenna and wouldn't be without one. It especially shines on 40 meters and below, but is also useful on higher bands. If you're considering an antenna like this, you won't beat the performance and customer service of the W6LVP.