Between other on going amateur radio projects I was working on today, I took a couple of breaks and played around on 40 meters, I was able to make one non-contest QSO with a station in Cape Cod, but with the Indiana QSO party in full swing there were plenty of contest type contacts to be made as well.
One of which was with W9IMS, didn't seem too special to me, I've worked Indiana plenty of times on 40 and 20 meters, I logged the contact as I always do, and moved on to make a couple other Indiana QSO Party contacts.
Then I came into the house to log on to QRZ, and started looking up my contacts to send QSL cards, when much to my surprise W9IMS is the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club....
Now if that wasn't cool enough, I read their information on QRZ and learn that if you make a contact with them during any one of the 4 major events held there each year...especially the "500" get a really cool special event QSL card from them. They list the bands and frequencies they usually work, and the dates and times, so if anyone is interested, just plug W9IMS into the QRZ call search and make a note of the dates, times and frequencies.....
One of which was with W9IMS, didn't seem too special to me, I've worked Indiana plenty of times on 40 and 20 meters, I logged the contact as I always do, and moved on to make a couple other Indiana QSO Party contacts.
Then I came into the house to log on to QRZ, and started looking up my contacts to send QSL cards, when much to my surprise W9IMS is the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club....
Now if that wasn't cool enough, I read their information on QRZ and learn that if you make a contact with them during any one of the 4 major events held there each year...especially the "500" get a really cool special event QSL card from them. They list the bands and frequencies they usually work, and the dates and times, so if anyone is interested, just plug W9IMS into the QRZ call search and make a note of the dates, times and frequencies.....