Here's something that's been puzzling me for some time.
When checking my SWR's on Ch1 through Ch40 I'm getting 1.4-1.5; pretty good considering my antenna's location. But as I go higher in freq. strange things happen. At about 27.400, the meter starts (when I key) at about 1.6, but after a couple of seconds it starts to rise, and ends up around 2.6-2.8. This occurs on up through the band (I don't usually transmit above 27.4) with the stopping point getting progressively higher as I get further from the antenna's resonant freq.
What's up? Is this a grounding issue?
BTW, I'm sitting still and have my amp set for about 100W key, I don't have this problem when the amp is off.
RCI-2950/GalaxyDX99V/TS667V/LMR-240/LiveWire Coil</p>
When checking my SWR's on Ch1 through Ch40 I'm getting 1.4-1.5; pretty good considering my antenna's location. But as I go higher in freq. strange things happen. At about 27.400, the meter starts (when I key) at about 1.6, but after a couple of seconds it starts to rise, and ends up around 2.6-2.8. This occurs on up through the band (I don't usually transmit above 27.4) with the stopping point getting progressively higher as I get further from the antenna's resonant freq.
What's up? Is this a grounding issue?
BTW, I'm sitting still and have my amp set for about 100W key, I don't have this problem when the amp is off.
RCI-2950/GalaxyDX99V/TS667V/LMR-240/LiveWire Coil</p>