I am looking for the old school tweety bird key up noise toy, i have attached 3 video's of the one's i love!! where do i get anyone of these??
llamada burbuja cb ruido juguete - YouTube
Llamadores cb Burbuja - YouTube
Mexico tweety bird noise toy - YouTube
the first video the tweety come's in on the 24 second mark
and the 2nd video it come's in on around the 33 second mark
also my name on you tube is azmann30
llamada burbuja cb ruido juguete - YouTube
Llamadores cb Burbuja - YouTube
Mexico tweety bird noise toy - YouTube
the first video the tweety come's in on the 24 second mark
and the 2nd video it come's in on around the 33 second mark
also my name on you tube is azmann30