Hi guys I am about ready to pull my hair out over this modulator, last week it hot plated a tube popped a fuse so I went ahead and replaced the HV capacitors and the 100 uf 200vdc capacitor for the bias. When it first screwed up I put a voltmeter on pin 5 on the 8417 tube and watched the negative bias slowly go from -24 up to -19 then the tube plate started turning red, so I went ahead and started testing diodes and resistors on the bias rail there and couldn't really find anything at fault I went ahead and replaced the power diode, the zener diode with a 1W 36V and the resistors and now I am only getting around -5 volts on Pin 5 , I don't know what's going on does anyone have any suggestions???? This is a photo before I replaced the caps and such however I have -150 vdc right at the red slash mark then only -5 vdc after it on the rail. I have several of these units but my others are different versions, this one is the older 2 tuber and the bias ends up going through the relay but I am testing it before that point.