Weird noise on 27.555 USB this evening. we don't own a new electronic washer or dryer.
now my gf's parents just bought a new washer and dryer for $2700, and it makes a sweep sound from 20mhz-35mhz on SSB,AM & even FM with in a 4 block radius! be aware it doesn't sound like this pulsing sound.
27.555USB noise - YouTube
i will also add last year the government put up two 70Foot wooden type poles on our main road and there appears to be some sort of repeater or antennas on the tip of the poles and there is also "Notice" blue letter white mini signs on the poles haven't had a chance to read the sign but they do put out an awful sound on HF i forgot what frequency tho...i live in a kinda crap-o-hole area and I'm sure no one has took the time to notice the new look alike telepoles with antennas on top. i guess i will add this is a 4 lane type high way with a median down the center they shut it down about 2 miles long tore it all up 4 feet deep and was running piping and large cabling....not sure why the road was newly paved and had no issues.
now my gf's parents just bought a new washer and dryer for $2700, and it makes a sweep sound from 20mhz-35mhz on SSB,AM & even FM with in a 4 block radius! be aware it doesn't sound like this pulsing sound.
27.555USB noise - YouTube
i will also add last year the government put up two 70Foot wooden type poles on our main road and there appears to be some sort of repeater or antennas on the tip of the poles and there is also "Notice" blue letter white mini signs on the poles haven't had a chance to read the sign but they do put out an awful sound on HF i forgot what frequency tho...i live in a kinda crap-o-hole area and I'm sure no one has took the time to notice the new look alike telepoles with antennas on top. i guess i will add this is a 4 lane type high way with a median down the center they shut it down about 2 miles long tore it all up 4 feet deep and was running piping and large cabling....not sure why the road was newly paved and had no issues.