I purchased a West MOUNTAIN CLRSPEACE speaker. After watching some YouTube clips of other DSP speakers I decided the WM clr speaker had the least amount of the what I describe as a mechanical/robot type sound reproduction. Unfortunately cheap ham didn't have a wall wart PS so, when I received it I broke out the only power supply I own. The one I own is part of my Palomar 500 elete. I hooked the WM CLR speaker using the 12 volt leed and jumper (both supplied) to radio and, WOW! I'm using it primary for ssb. It worked better than I ever expected..it works incredible on my Madison. I purchased it from cheap ham for the excellent price of $185 which is about $40 cheaper than the lowest price I found offered by other ham radio outlets. I'm gonna hit radio shack for the wall wart. Besides my lmr 400 and a couple of other odds and ends I bought, this wm clrspeaker is the best purches I've ever made for my station. This speaker should be a required buy for anyone who not only enjoys listing but, pulling out stations that at least for me were just to low in the noise to hear. You know those stations that you know are modulating and then unkey but can't make out what their saying. I was being a bit sarcastic when I wrote excellent price because At $185 it's obviously an investment but we'll worth it. Whether bhi or the few other makers of these DSP speakers I would recommend anyone especially those with double conversation front end CB radio. The difference is night and day. So much enjoyable to listen too. These thing should be a required purchase. 73.