I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed the last couple weeks.
I have worked:
Jim/ KM4IAF (BR-549)
Chuck/ KK6USY (Firerunner) Twice in 2 days-75m...Calif. to Ind.
Rob/ KG4ZPN (ButtFuzz)...the wire antenna Maniac!
Jay/ KD9CKB (Camaro1)
Ken/ KJ4IIF (Wavrider) Ken and I have had a pipeline on 75m for the last 6 weeks...At least 3 or 4 times a week...We work from FLA to Ind.
Always a treat to put a voice with the members of this Forum...
We (The Forum) have seen several upgrades in class (most resent FIRERUNNER) and many have come into the Amateur Community via this forum...Been a joy to watch.
I know we have not seen the end of this trend.
The resent dip in Cycle 24 activity (10/11m) slowly beginning to taper off, has created the window where to continue DXing op's have seen the opportunity to work other bands.
They have either began to upgrade their License and/or upgrade antenna systems...etc.
Enjoying the changes and hope they keep coming!!
All the Best
I have worked:
Jim/ KM4IAF (BR-549)
Chuck/ KK6USY (Firerunner) Twice in 2 days-75m...Calif. to Ind.
Rob/ KG4ZPN (ButtFuzz)...the wire antenna Maniac!
Jay/ KD9CKB (Camaro1)
Ken/ KJ4IIF (Wavrider) Ken and I have had a pipeline on 75m for the last 6 weeks...At least 3 or 4 times a week...We work from FLA to Ind.
Always a treat to put a voice with the members of this Forum...
We (The Forum) have seen several upgrades in class (most resent FIRERUNNER) and many have come into the Amateur Community via this forum...Been a joy to watch.
I know we have not seen the end of this trend.
The resent dip in Cycle 24 activity (10/11m) slowly beginning to taper off, has created the window where to continue DXing op's have seen the opportunity to work other bands.
They have either began to upgrade their License and/or upgrade antenna systems...etc.
Enjoying the changes and hope they keep coming!!
All the Best