What base antenna to get? I have the A99 now...
looking to upgrade, would like to spend under $200
looking to upgrade, would like to spend under $200
Looking for a vertical of beam setup?
many out there under $200 as far as verticals.
I have a Wolf .64 just sitting in my garage looking for a good home and an Imax 2000 but the shipping would be a bit.
Do you want to sale that Wolf .64?
rob theres 4 and you forgot #2 and mixed up 1 and 3. #2 is the the penetrater for $150 but if your not runing more then 500 watts then #1 is the gainmaster. its the best for performance and dependability. it has awesome ears. better then my old i10k especially with european dxThe three best verticals out there -IMO- at this time are:
*Sirio Vector 4000 @ $150
*Sirio Gain-Master @ $185
*Imax 2000 @ $100
In that order . . .