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What do you think?


I've seen that cartoon before. The sad fact is, we are going to end up like the Soviet Union, East/West Berlin, North/South Korea or something similar. There are far to many people willing to give up rights for a hand out, but I think there is an underlying current that is fed up. I completely applaud Arizona for standing up to the Feds, the STATES have the rights, not the communists on Capitol Hill.

I can survive in a melt down, and I hope y'all can too.
I haven't watched this toon but I can imagine what it says and the point it tries to make.

Freedom is an attitude of an individual's mind, soul and "heart." Freedom does not flow from the barrel of any gun. Freedom is not obtained because some politician somewhere made some speech or because any government has passed any law declaring that "you are free."

Freedom is a function of cosmic reality. We are creatures in a Universe whose Creator has made us "free" beings. Those who KNOW this, are free indeed. If you know you are "free," then none can snatch this away from you. Man cannot take away anything that the Creator (God) has bestowed upon His creatures.

Other men or governments of men, may materially oppress you in various ways, but this does not impinge upon, much less actually "take away" your "freedom" if you are positively steadfast in your belief-faith-thinking-knowing that you are a free citizen of the universe.

One can live in a Utopian political environment and still not be "free." True freedom is an internal attitude and accomplishment and has nothing to do with external man-controlled circumstance or contrivances.
True freedom is an internal attitude and accomplishment and has nothing to do with external man-controlled circumstance or contrivances.


So a person in North Korea has freedom as long as they internalize it?
Man cannot take away anything that the Creator (God) has bestowed upon His creatures.

Like life?

Tell that to the 200 million murdered by government in the last century. That's 200, 000,000, all outside of war. 2000 giant sports stadiums, holding 100,000 people each.

They might beg to differ, but they can't, because the life granted to them by our creator was taken away.
Like life?

Tell that to the 200 million murdered by government in the last century. That's 200, 000,000, all outside of war. 2000 giant sports stadiums, holding 100,000 people each.

They might beg to differ, but they can't, because the life granted to them by our creator was taken away.

Yes like life.

So you don't believe in God or survival after death?

Fine. Your choice. You cannot understand then. Doesn't mean that what I stated isn't true.

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