Title says it all. I injured my right knee late last summer. I put off going to the dr. because just like all my other ailments and injuries of the past 53 years it would get better on its own. After all it was just a strained muscle. Right? Well it didn't get better and in fact after two months it was worse and the vastus lateralus muscle was still popped out quite a bit and some days I could hardly function due to pain in my knee joint. Time to see the dr. By the time I got in and then had a requesition sent in for an MRI it was close to three months after the injury of which was entirely my own fault. And by that I mean both the time delay and what I was doing to injure it. Wait times here for routine non-critical MRIs are ridiculous and the appointment was for months away. I opted for a private MRI clinic that has a new state of the art three Tesla machine and paid out-of-pocket as pretty much all private health care plans do not cover them since government funds them and urgent cases are always bumped up in priority anyway and I was far from urgent. Just anxious by now. Now I am awaiting a surgical consult with an orthopedic surgeon for a completely blown out meniscus and a partially torn (75%) ACL in addition to a possibly torn muscle tendon. Anyway it got me wondering about costs between here and the US. My cost was $895 for the MRI and it made me wonder what the cost runs down there where health care is a for profit business. Not looking for a big discussion about the pros and cons of either countries system but just as to how prices may compare.BTW the wait times at a private clinic here are mere days at most. Anyone ever know what they or their insurance companies were billed for a simple MRI?