I recently got a 48T and its been modded. I just want to know what is up with these mods. Here is a picture of a resister and diode installed in the corner. Not too sure what its about. It had some shrink tubing over it to protect the traces around it. I just took it off to get a good picture.
Super swing mod has been done I'm guessing. R264 has been completely removed and a diode put in its place. I thought the resister was just lifted to do this mod.
This radio gets smoking hot. I was on it for about 30 minutes and I noticed a little heat when I put my hand close to the radio. I touched the heat sink on the bottom where the two 2290? are and it was too hot to touch. It would burn you if you put your hand on it for more than 3 seconds.
Anyone have a clue as to what has been done here and why? I'm thinking of removing this mod and putting the resister back in r264 with the diode and see if it runs cooler but I'm new to the big radios and dont want to mess things up.
Whats your opinion?op:
Super swing mod has been done I'm guessing. R264 has been completely removed and a diode put in its place. I thought the resister was just lifted to do this mod.
This radio gets smoking hot. I was on it for about 30 minutes and I noticed a little heat when I put my hand close to the radio. I touched the heat sink on the bottom where the two 2290? are and it was too hot to touch. It would burn you if you put your hand on it for more than 3 seconds.
Anyone have a clue as to what has been done here and why? I'm thinking of removing this mod and putting the resister back in r264 with the diode and see if it runs cooler but I'm new to the big radios and dont want to mess things up.
Whats your opinion?op: