I agree this article does not spell out specifically that it was for Broadcast, but the suggestion in examples sited is just that IMO. Maxwell also uses several references and one in particular #20, by G.H. Brown, Lewis, and Epstien, entitled: "Ground Systems as a Factor in Antenna Efficiency," as being the bases of the classic work which lead to FCC standards for AM Broadcasting ground-radial systems. I think this article was also posted here on WWDX in a thread on counterpoise that HomerBB started. I made the remark, because I seem to remember the counterpoise thread.
I also qualified my statement on "efficiency" by suggesting the theory did apply to all frequencies, but due to raising 27 mhz antennas for CB, the effects of adding more radials like they did in Broadcast work, was likely overkill and would not justify the expense when used at higher frequencies. This fact was also referred to in Maxwell's remarks, and I talked about it in my previous post in this thread.
I might try an Eznec model or two to try and show what I think might happen when adding a bunch of radials to a raised 1/4 wave antenna, say 40' feet, as compared to an antenna at BC frequencies, but my Exnec program is limited to 500 segments, so I see if it is possible to use close to 100 radials. IMO, there will probably be some differences to be noted, but I doubt those differences will be worth the added effort and expense compared to only a few radials at 27 mhz. This is the only point I was trying to make db.
Otherwise, I don't think we disagree too much.