If possible, and if it's still intact - which will require inspection - but if you can save that antenna - its still quite useable. At least for Free TV - the Analog to Digital may have occurred but much of the spectrum that antenna can pick up is still out there as Free TV - you're local On-Air stations are still there and if he can save that antenna, he can use it for local news, WX and entertainment (sub channels too) that DISH can't supply.
That antenna just needs a longer antenna post to raise your CB antenna up from the Rotor and antenna - you can install any simple A99 up there on top of above that TV antenna and watch TV or use for CB - the Digital switch may have cleared up a lot of interference issues (Go - NoGo on station capture for viewing - like FM) but your analog stuff may get a howl, squeal or the toaster can speaker unto you while you chat of the CB radio - due to their proximity - but once the antenna, its' down lead and the CB's antenna and its' coax down lead are all installed up there - once the antenna is aligned it pretty much stays put for reception - older days Analog signals from other cities could be picked up by that antenna and its' pickup gain pattern and send it to the television set and add to the entertainment value of home TV, but nowadays, the Digital realm has pretty much allowed local stations a lot of leeway in transmitter power and signal service area so keeping the rotor may not be the best option.
Since DISH is a subscriber type of thing - if contracts get too out of hand, the On-Air is the best and by far, the cheapest investment you can make for entertainment value. But if he's remote, that would explain the high-directional and gain factor antenna he's using - note the YAGI-for old UHF -of the left side with that funky "Y"/Arrow and the Older VHF "arms" to it's right in the photo - both can still work and if the download wiring and mounting is still useable - then attach the antennas' new cable downlead - and replace the old stuff - less than $100 these days, so it can provide more options when DISH gets funky.