1989 is what I remember. Kept pestering Uniden in Indianapolis for a service manual. They kept putting me off, saying it was "out of stock". Then one day a carton of six HR2510 radios was dropped off by UPS, prepaid. Not COD. Seemed baffling, so I put them in the stock room away from prying eyes until I could ask just how they screwed up an order for a service manual. It was a hot item at the time and I didn't need the questions they would get. Got a call from a nice-sounding young woman at Uniden asking if I had received a COD with a carton of six 2510s. She sounded terribly disappointed when I answered "no". Then I added that I had received a carton prepaid, not COD. She was quite relieved. I told her I would let the UPS driver pick them up once I had a service manual for that model. It showed up in the mail a couple of days later.
Had to be 1989 or 1990.