If you look for the version of this with over 200,000 views it says this was an April Fool's prank to the garbage man's boss a few years ago. This was the garbage man's home and trash. Pretty hilarious actually!
motopuck 6 hours ago 15
Just look at the youtube version.
You are correct. I just didn't want to let the cat out yet. Still funny as hell though.
"This was an april fools joke for my bosses at work. I recorded the video from inside my own house with my own garbage can and mailbox. I took the video to work and asked one of our CSR's to give it to my boss and pretend that a customer came in super angry with it. Needless to say after watching the video I was called in to the office for what was to be my termination... Fortunately for me they took the prake very well."