This is 1996 .....came home from work to my Alpha V-5/8s laying accross my house )-: ....this is what happens when you go for the gusto )-: 50ft push up plus a 10 foot exstention on top of that ....I was over 80 ft to the tip of the 5/8s ...I got to enjoy it for about a month before mother nature kicked my a$$ !! You would think after losing 2 Alpha's before this one ,I would have learned something ? Nope !! (-: those were the days !! after that one (I got lucky, my antenna was not effected this time around) ....just went with the push ups by themselves.(At that house I always had a hard time guying the antenna's on the south side because there was a concrete fence and my neighbors house there after) There's my old 81 Mustang with that 96 inch Fransis Amazer !! What a great antenna that was for me. It used to make a errie vibrating sound as I drove down the road ,but that antenna kicked some a$$. Switch Kit