I've always kind of wondered if there might be a better situation comparing these antenna's on a mobile ? i know what the theroy is when the experts talk about loaded antenna's ...meaning that the higher the load on any given antenna supposedly makes for the better ? I've often considered mounting a Wilson 2000 center loaded antenna to see if there might be a better all around performance beings that it is a center loaded rather then bottom loaded like the 1000s/5000s ? Has anyone ever tried this with a Wilson 2000 ? ....it kind of makes since when guys talk about how good the 10K antenna's are beings that they are centered loaded as well (or so it would seem ?) I can say this much about the Firestick type antenna's that seem to have the thickest part of there loads at the top of the antenna.....They are very good performing antenna's for what they are ......makes me think it might just be because the load is at the top of them ?? .....I think it would be pretty hard to run a top loaded antenna all the same but the experts say if you had to run a loaded antenna .......the top would be the best ....the middle would be the second best and the bottom would be the least ......HMMM very interesting to say the least.