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wireless keyboard problem


W9WDX Amateur Radio Club Member
Apr 18, 2005
I know this is an off topic or not radio related but its deffinately technical issue. I have had this logictech wireless mouse and keyboard for about a year and its been trouble free UNTIL TONIGHT. What is happening is when I hit a letter key it pops up a bout 6 letters kind of looks like encryption typng then when back space is hit it is like hitting enter crazy. I tried new batteries I tried rebooting reinstalling program software and no luck. Funny thing is when numbers are hit its fine but dare touch a letter and its like someone is typing. Each letter has its own thing it types out (sets of letter so fgor example if H was hit it would do something like this hmjhk and each time it was hit it would repeat that each letter had its own type code it typed out. Also when backspace was hit it wout click pages and give these type ==== . Has anyone ever experienced this is this board shot and in need of being shit canned?? I was hoping it was a battery issue but I tried 4 sets of fresh batteries with no luck. :roll:

i spilt pepsi on a microsoft keyboard once and thought i had got it out and cleaned , a few days later i started having problems like yours . i took it apart and discovered their are several layers/sheets of ...... stuff (lol) that needed to be cleaned . it wasnt difficult but i just took my time cleaning carefully and being sure to reassemble it correctly then it worked fine . i later found out just dust and/or smoking can also get inbetween them and cause problems too . worth a try........ good luck .

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