I've noticed that depending on how the HT is positioned in the charger, the 'Charge' and 'Full' lights are not the best indicators of what's happening with the battery. For instance, I've replaced the HT and battery in the charger and the 'Charge' light comes on. Not having used the HT at all, didn't even turn it on, I thought it was sort of odd that the battery would need/accept more charging. So, played around with it a bit, wiggle it, tilt it a little, that sort of thing, and the light would alternate red/green, depending on the wiggle/tilt. Got to looking at the metal 'tabs' that make contact with the battery, the depth of the 'slots' on the sides of the battery that control how 'deep' it sits in the charger, and that stuff. Came to the conclusion that because of how those 'tabs' are constructed, they sometimes don't make the best contact with the battery that they could. {This is when the battery is attached to the HT, not when it's plugged in separately.}
After some more 'playing around', I found that if I taped a stray piece of insulation removed from something (it's grey so figure it had to be an audio or signal cable of some kind), it caused the HT and attached battery to sit 'high' enough so that those metal 'tabs' made good contact with the 'spots' on the battery. Things are working good now.
So, if you happen to find the same thing happening with your HT and charger, you might give this 'cure' a try. Don't ask me the measurements of that piece of insulation, I don't have the slightest idea what it is. I know it's thicker than 1/16 of an inch and less than 1/8 of an inch in diameter, plus the thickness of some scotch-tape.
- 'Doc
And then again, it may just be the particular charger that I have...
After some more 'playing around', I found that if I taped a stray piece of insulation removed from something (it's grey so figure it had to be an audio or signal cable of some kind), it caused the HT and attached battery to sit 'high' enough so that those metal 'tabs' made good contact with the 'spots' on the battery. Things are working good now.
So, if you happen to find the same thing happening with your HT and charger, you might give this 'cure' a try. Don't ask me the measurements of that piece of insulation, I don't have the slightest idea what it is. I know it's thicker than 1/16 of an inch and less than 1/8 of an inch in diameter, plus the thickness of some scotch-tape.
- 'Doc
And then again, it may just be the particular charger that I have...