It better be good for that price hu.....
I think it is a type of SUCKER fish. You would have to be a sucker to pay that much money for it. The show called "Wicked Tuna" have never been paid more than $30.00 per pound for the same fish.
That $30/lb is what the fisherman gets paid. The Japanese pay HUGE money for top quality tuna. A few years ago a local here caught a giant bluefin that weighed about 1200 pounds. He spot sold it for over $50,000. Now transport that to Japan and add the usual mark up and the price goes thru the roof. Something else too......when we go to Jamaica we bring back a couple pounds of certified Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. We pay $35/lb there for it. About 95% of it goes to Japan where they pay around $125/lb for it. Crazy prices for high demand products in Japan.
This is why we never see tuna caught by our fisherman in our waters in our supermarkets.
I was talking to a fish monger on Hatteras Island last September and he said fish markets and local restaurants can't get locally caught fish because the most of the catch is being exported.