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Yaesu FT-102


Jul 22, 2010
First off, I want you all to know I know absolutely NOTHING about radios, so forgive me for the stupid questions. While cleaning out my grandparent's attic I found a Yeasu FT-102 brand new in the box. I plugged it in, turned on the radio and pushed a bunch of buttons and turned a bunch of knobs and did not hear anything. What is this thing and how do I use it? Does it need to be plugged into a stereo or headphones to listen to it? Is this worth anything? Thanks in advance, its a really neat looking radio and I'd like to know what is it and how to use it.

Hi that is a Ham or Amateur radio its an HF rig that covers several Ham radio bands if you have a license Ide say hook it up to an appropriate antenna and see if she works. Alot of times these old radios have parts go bad like capacitors this happens when they sit and dont get turned on once and awhile deffinately a large conversation piece.
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An "HF Rig" is another way to say that it is a Amateur radio transmitter/receiver.
Yes you need a license to transmit; no you don't need a license to listen.
If you trying to transmit on it - without doing it right - it is very easy to damage it.
Then it will need to be repaired.
Take it to a ham radio shop and ask them to look at it for you, and ask their advice.
I would.
I didn't hear anything at all when I turned it on. Does it have speakers internally or do i need to connect it to some? Is there a volume button/knob?
You won't be able to hear anything - even if you do hook up a speaker to it. It needs a special antenna to transmit and receive with. Otherwise, you will damage it.
OK... So what antenna do I need, where do I get one and how do I get this baby started? I feel like I'm asked the same thing four times.
OK... So what antenna do I need, where do I get one and how do I get this baby started? I feel like I'm asked the same thing four times.
Hook a speaker to it right now, and the best you can get out of it is static. It isn't a CB radio.

You can buy a SWL antenna if you want to listen ("Short Wave Listening"); the coax and antenna is about $100 or so...

OK - to transmit:
A dipole antenna, some coax, an antenna analyzer, and a few months of studying principles of radio propagation for a General class Ham radio operators license will allow you to talk. Otherwise Hams will track you down, report you to the FCC and you will get a fat $7,000 (per day) fine.

Yes it is fine to listen, you do not want to try to transmit with out an antenna and proper tuning or you might damage the output section of the radio.
First question:
If it was still in the box, rummage around and see if the paper work is in there, a user`s manual. If it is, grab a cup of coffee and sit down and spend some time and read it. That will outline the functions of the radio, and how to use it. The Ft 102 is a very nice radio, and if you found it as a freebie and it is working you just scored a real nice radio.
That would be my first step, dig around on the net and see if you can find a user`s manual
That radio cost upwards of $1000.00 new depending on what filters and options it has in it.

( by the way, it is spelled " Yaesu" And they ARE the choice of the worlds top DX`ers)

Do a search On line, there is a User group on yahoo devoted to this radio.
You will need an antenna and also need to learn how to set the radio up to listen on the band that you want to listen to. It is not a real good starter radio due to the fact that is can be a bit complicated, but I can not stress enough how much of a sweet radio it is.
Let us know if you find the book in the box, and we can go from there.



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A good way to find out if that radio works or not would be to find a ham radio group or club in your area...Most clubs to have web sites posted online...Find that club page and do whatever you have to do to contact someone in that club.... chances are that person would put that radio through its paces for no or very little charge letting you know what condition it is in ....any decent ham would be happy just to get the chance to play with a radio like...and if asked that person will get you started in the right direction to you getting your ham radio license( hams are usually known for helping unlicensed people that take a real interest in the hobby to get their lisence).....That radio is one of the best radios ever made.....even today it is still concidered to be one of the best...

Just for testing purposes to see if it will recieve (not transmit) it would be possable to hook it to a 102 inch CB whip.....For transmitting purposes places like http://www.associatedradio.com/ will have the antenna that you would need,call them and explain what radio you have and I am sure they will point you at a good antenna

And if you do transmit on that radio without the proper license the above fines/jail time is a very real possability

If you really do have an interest in using that radio take the time and get your general class ham license....there is alot of fun you can have talking all over the world,...just the other day I heard folks from Austrailia,Germany,Russia and Sweden ,didnt try to contact them but chances are I could have

Great find :thumbup1: you stumbeled across a diamond not to mention a great first HF radio if you do get your ham ticket!!

The radio Gods really did smile upon you
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I would suggest to first find a manual for that radio, the read it. having that book in front of you while trying things is a very good idea until you understand some things. I also wouldn't transmit with it.
You don't have to have a license to listen. You can do that with a very simple antenna, just a length of wire from the antenna jack to someplace as far away and as high as you can get it. Won't be 'perfect', but will certainly work
From what you've said, and how you've said it, there's probably a lot about this sort of stuff you should learn before getting too deep into it. Saves a lot of time and money doing that!
The suggestions about finding a local club, or an 'Elmer' are very, very good ideas! It doesn't take a huge amount of 'smarts' to do that learning, but it will take some time, which is absolutely normal. One reason why radio stuff isn't as simple as some other things is because doing something wrong can definitely 'bite' you. I don't mean destroy equipment and hurting your wallet, I mean damaging or destroying YOU. That's not an exaggeration by the way.
Have fun... but carefully.
- 'Doc
The FT-102 had a really bad reputation for the relays going bad in them.I'll save you the trouble of messing with it and take it off your hands for $100. :D
Thanks for the help everyone. I will take a picture of it today along with the box and everything it came with.

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