Read up on the vector 4000 RadioDaze, there are some good threads about them here and how they work. I am not fully sure, but from what I have gathered by reading is that the cone does affect the way the antenna radiates. How I am not sure. Some have even posted about adding radials to one as well. I'm sure bob85, Marconi, NB, and a few others will pop in and tell us how the darn thing works. I'll have to breeze back through the thread that NB started as I believe somewhere in all the posts were several models showing TOA, height above ground and how the antenna actually works the way it does. Mine will be here tomorrow and I will start the build process. Going to take my time and make sure to weather proof every joint as well as beef them up if need be or just use SS screws and some red locktite and heat shrink on every joint. I've got heat shrink from very small to almost 2". Some in very long lengths. And I have plenty of No-Ox as well as SS screws and such. Just need to get antenna to get some measurements for hose clamps if I decide I want to perform the slit and hose clamp mod. Anyway, have a good one and hope to hear you soon on air. Been hearing a lot of Europe the last couple days. Even spoke to 917 Lawrence, on the S coast of France. I used to speak to him almost daily a year ago. He remembers me and we had a good qso. Again, have a good one and be safe out there static dxing!! If the conditions keep up you won't need to worry about putting up any antennas, just use the mobile whip!! But then again the static mobile does work well. Don't think the vector 4000 would be a good static mobile antenna unless you have some time to set it up and such. It's a large antenna and the cone is large as well. I'll def post some pics when I get it together. Good day.