A lot of times the vids are slanted to show a particular way the tech does their work - their strong points.
Not a big deal, but when it comes to the OEM design versus "I know a better way" - the proof is not always a Watergate or Videogate - it's your own experience with the system and the way YOU run the radio - not some one that presumes you'll use only AM and FM modes AND you don't care of SSB or any of that Class AB ballyhoo.
If you can understand what the tech is doing and are willing to support his efforts, then it's your money.
We've seen radios - perfectly good rather good shape new line radios - sliding across counters and pushed onto our benches, radios that were tuned up by someone - and the customer isn't talking - we can only presume ourselves the radio was hacked and someone's tried to follow a video.
Ok, with that vid, do you see the entire process. Well - not all the time spent nor is it using the best focus either - so you are left to trust someone whom may, or may not, have your best interests in mind... let alone full disclosure of the services. For we have seen work from techs out here - parts from one radio used to provide a level of performance in another - and both radios are later claimed to have been tuned up by the best.
Robbing Peter to Pay Paul...
(or - Hey lookie over there isn't that Kim Cardassian... SWIPE - there's goes your wallet)
He sees your AMEX express card and raises you to it's Credit Limit...
Meanwhile you see this...
Again to remind you, if you are comfortable with their work and level of service - or their coffee is to die for - then it is your money...
Again, to presume the tech is having your best interests in mind and you haven't even tried out the radio in it's stock form - do you even know what those quirks are that the tech guy claims to have repaired in that radio?
I've seen too many brand-new OEM radios get blown up under a techs hands only to be pawned off later to someone else whom wanted parts for repairs at their own miracle Hi-Po radio shop.