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theoretical question, does the FCC have jurisdiction over a cave or mine tunnel


Nov 18, 2009
In the cave, the signal is not likely to get out, and if the signal cannot get out, then its range does not go beyond the cave, and if the signal cannot be heard farther than a certain distance, does this not fall under part 15 of the FCC regs. Therfore in a cave, anything would be legal, except maybe transmitting on the lower end of the RF spectrum. So now freeband transitters, export radios, $200 chinese FM broadcast transmitters and other assorted nasties would have a legit market. HMMM, the underground loophole. Could this be reality or just a another crazy idea i thought up?

A few years ago up here in east TN they sold a cave at auction. It was very well furnished, bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, and "underground garden". The TBI of course didn't include the marihujana that was growing in it when it was seized.
The FCC has jurisdiction in the U.S. over anything RF related. They don't have njurisdiction over property. If you were doing something RF related that was illegal in a cave, they can still fine you. First they would have to find you, though.

This is like the "if a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound" question

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