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Wanted: MFJ 259...

Have you tried any local Ham clubs?
I got mine this way.

I was a bit reluctant to get on of these at first; but after I got it (for $190/used) I checked every antenna I own. I also checked out some of the coax I had laying around, so I threw away the junk and knew what I could keep and use. Told me how much loss each piece had, as well as if any had any shorts. Even told me approximately how far down the length just where that piece was bad. Of course, you do this w/o it hooked to an antenna.

I was also able to determine how broad-banded my Wilson 1000 was compared to the Sirio Z-180. Needless to say; the Sirio was wider. The reactance/resonance was also a nice feature that it displayed...

Good Hunting!

A very useful piece of gear.


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