Larry: I think you misinterpret what your seeing. (SWING wise)
Typical for 100w
PEP transceiver to show around 60-75 watts on the normal PEP meter on SSB.
Also typical for rig to "shift" 700 cycles when switching from SSB to CW/other's does that on purpose.
AM usage: carrier should NEVER be set above about 20 watts DK...and rig will NEVER "swing" over 35-50 watts...
That's the way the
ALC works to keep the rig from turning to a "splatter" monster.
If you run the processor on either SSB or AM your peaks will be even less, just the way the rig is built.
If you have other op's telling you it should be more, then they have "jacked" with the software or
it to kill the ALC or cranked the voltage up on the PA deck to get that "magic" 100 watts.
This most generally, makes the rig sound better on AM but make's the SSB signal a "mile" wide.
Also the "bandwidth" setting in the menu will affect this also.
All the Best