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Recent content by DTB Radio

  1. D

    Cobra 139XLR USB will not align...

    You can also use some capacitor trickery to nudge the frequency up or down. To nudge up, cut a trace to the crystal and insert a cap. To nudge down, place additional capacitance across the existing tuning cap (this will reduce the affect the tuning cap has, so some experimentation is in order)...
  2. D

    CB - Computer Interface

    This is an ancient thread, I know, but I wanted to post a quick update. The system discussed is very outdated, and the links no longer work as I've removed the associated files from the dtbradio.com website. I had updated the system with USB support, but due to a break-in at the shop in January...
  3. D

    Cobra 2000 gtl ssb issue

    I agree with both Nomad Coyote. Pretty much guaranteed to be an age-related issue. In your case, since AM is working well, you have a lot less circuitry to consider. Since your post didn't say anything about the receive being a problem, this limits the possibilities to the power supply and...
  4. D

    HME HM 150 Bi Linear Amplifier Question

    I know this is an older thread, but I recently had one of these come in DOA and given to the shop for parts. During a lol today, I pulled it out and did some trouble-shooting, and found that a bad ground and some loose screws were the main culprit, and got the main amp working. In this unit, the...
  5. D

    Rocket Station in Stockholm Sweden active right now

    I just made a contact with Rocket station in Stockhom on CB channel 2, 10:16AM today, from my shop radio in Carlisle, PA.. All kinds of signal on him!
  6. D

    Export Radios, Amps, and the Police?

    I know this is an old thread, but back about 24 years ago roughly a customer was carrying a buddy's amp across the next-door truck-stop's parking lot towards my shop for some tests, and a pair of FCC agents were in the neighborhood after investigating my shop for violations (they didn't find...
  7. D

    MAX40200 as detector diode?

    I stumbled on this IC while looking at possible diode replacements for the venerable 1N34-style part. I haven't thoroughly read through the spec sheet, but I wanted to put this out for general discussion and feedback. It claims to have a forward drop of less than 100mV, which would make for...
  8. D

    DAK Mark X Channel Display Source Needed

    I kinda doubted there'd be an exact match out there anymore, and I'm certainly open to "fudging", lol! Thanks for the reply!
  9. D

    DAK Mark X Channel Display Source Needed

    Do any of you know where I can lay my hands on the channel display for a DAK Mark X radio? Thanks! More to come on this one as I get it working again.
  10. D

    Another Solar Flare - Impact expected afternoon of Jan. 22

    That reminds me, I'm also selling lightning protection hats. They are similar to the CME protection hats, but they come with a heavy-duty grounding wire that is designed to burn through upon the beginning of a lightning strike, allowing you to experience the full thrill of the lighting bolt...
  11. D

    Washington speaker

    Just about any 3.5-inch speaker with proper mount hole spacing should work, as long as the magnet doesn't impinge on anything.The larger the magnet, the better the sound usually is.
  12. D

    looking for schematics for rci2995dx hp,please help

    I haven't seen the inside of one of these yet, but if its typical RCI, then its just the old DX version of the 2995 with a stronger amplifier. Schematics for the 2995DX (and the mobile version, the 2970DX, which is pretty much exactly the same radio) were made available years ago, but I do not...
  13. D

    Another Solar Flare - Impact expected afternoon of Jan. 22

    I am selling tin-foil CME-protection hats, $9999.99 apiece. Heavy-duty, .05-mil thick material. Email "brooklynbridgesales@dimwits.com" for details.
  14. D

    Teaberry mic

    Half of Teaberry's models went by a "T" of some kind, Like "Titan T", or "T Scout", or "T Charlie". What is your full radio model name? If it is the original 23-channel plain-old "T", the SAM's manual doesn't even show a pin-out, just that its a 3-wire system. If its the 40-channel plain-old...