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Recent content by Toll_Free

  1. T

    Using a high gain transistor to drive affordable low gain bipolars?

    There is nothing about the inherent gain of a transistor that makes it more or less unstable. The circuit they are in does that. Remember the SRF devices? All those are is double dot black cap Motorola devices. The highest gain devices they made. Have a high gain device that's unstable...
  2. T

    Who builds small amps that i can contact?

    And to continue the perspective, I woke up to two more texts from one of the guys and after I wrote my post last night I had no less than 14 from the other guy. So like I said. Someone else might not be ignoring you. It might just be they have 737255284957362572949594 texts/calls in front of...
  3. T

    Who builds small amps that i can contact?

    You're right. Years ago, one of my protoge's stopped building amps, stopped answering the phone. Except he still had an active ebay account. I asked why. He said, you burned out and got out. I started to burn out and realized I'd spend no time on the phone and be able to sell boxes for...
  4. T

    Who builds small amps that i can contact?

    This response pretty much sums up and repackages everything I just said. Sadly. --Toll_Free
  5. T

    Who builds small amps that i can contact?

    I'll put this into perspective. I've been a builder and a technician since the 80s. Built and worked on everything from one transistor 30 watt PEP amps back in the 80s to some pretty wild multi tetrode and triode stuff taking 1800 amps from the service drop. So, I deal or have dealt with a...
  6. T

    So why do people in the "builder" world put down the MRF455 and 2SC2290

    Little history here, with personal experience mied in. The 455 has no issues running class AB. Look at the thousands and thousands of amplifiers Messenger, Texas Star and Palomar put out. They all had a 455 based amp or amps at one point. The 455 sold so good 40 years ago that the rep...
  7. T

    What's inside a 4CX250B tube?

    The nittie gritties can't be the same from one mfg to the next. Otherwise you run into patent infringement. Years ago the court systems upheld that if something went into a device called a socket that the device itself couldn't be patented. That is why Intel decided to create the 'slot'...
  8. T

    Palomar 300 ? 4 x 1446's

    I believe it was GRTS. :) Picking some nits here. Also, Monika passed away a few years back :( Shortly after Ray. Ray was instrumental in RCI as well. Before Bill Good. RCI, although beginning using fab shops in the far east, was originally a San Diego company as well. AFAIK, their main...
  9. T

    Palomar 300 ? 4 x 1446's

    Well, here we go: Messenger was built in San Diego. I played it off for quite some time, but I worked at their 'factory' as a high school snot nosed kid in the 80s. Built quite a few, and that's how I was able to score the first M2000 built, the first M16, etc. I knew who they where sold to...
  10. T

    These little radios are getting cheap

    It's a clone of the MCHF sdr radio. That is a very mature chassis. All the bugs have been worked out at this point. There have been a few ChiCom clones of it over the years. I'd say you are pretty good to go. --Toll_Free
  11. T

    Glenn 1600 linear has a cousin. Galaxie 2000.

    Yes, it has been a minute. Or a few years, depending on how you want to look at it :) I live in the Caribbean now. There is not ONE CB on my island. A few ham operators, but that's about it. I take that back. I have seen one antenna. On a coworkers Jeep. That he brought from the...
  12. T

    Glenn 1600 linear has a cousin. Galaxie 2000.

    Glenn used that 'wackadoodle' transformer / rectifier scheme because he was a transformer manufacturer first, amp and VFO manufacturer second. Those transformers where sold to other industries. He used multiple rectifiers stacked because the windings may or may not (never did get that answer)...
  13. T

    inexpensive/cheap cb amps . palomar/cobra vs. rm/kl

    Is your point to argue a semantic? Yes, they did. Can YOU name the model numbers? Date of MFG, etc? What's your point? --Toll_Free
  14. T

    Cobra 19 Ultra III Compact CB Review

    ANL and NB are two TOTALLY different things. --Toll_Free
  15. T

    Voltage drop on a/c line

    Thank you much! Just goes to show.... Sometimes you do all you can do, and it IS the utility company. I'm also glad to see that ute co's are starting to actually listen and help.... Depending on the load, it could have been costing you money, or them... Or a fire! Last time I had to...