Heres a review of the Cobra 19 Ultra III.
Its an awesome compact little radio for a great price. I have one in my collection and it fits perfectly in the small space below my CD player in my truck. I picked up this radio at the last minute when I was taking a road trip and the primary goal was to get a cheap, functioning traffic update radio for communication with truckers.
I originally wanted a midland, but I am glad I got this little radio instead. The price at a Pilot truck stop and everywhere else I have seen is 54 dollars but I got mine for 29.99 at walmart. Thanks walmart!
This has been one of the greatest little compact CB's I've ever run. It has crystal clear recieve, a good working squealch and comes with a channel 9/19 switch button, and PA.
Inside this radio, theres a tuneable modulation pot that can easily be turned with a flat head screwdriver. Ive got it tuned up to the max. It deadkeys at 4 watts and swings to 12 watts. Surprisingly, it does not splatter and the truckers report it sounds great on the air like a "big radio". There is another mod that involves clipping the mod limiter resistor, they say you can get out about 20 watts, but I don't reccomend this, it will probably over modulate it.
But running this cheap radio, buying a cheap antenna, and doing a very simple mod, you can get a great sounding radio for a beginner or vet, for a price that won't break your wallet.
I've had fun with this radio and I think it will stay in my collection for a while.
Its an awesome compact little radio for a great price. I have one in my collection and it fits perfectly in the small space below my CD player in my truck. I picked up this radio at the last minute when I was taking a road trip and the primary goal was to get a cheap, functioning traffic update radio for communication with truckers.
I originally wanted a midland, but I am glad I got this little radio instead. The price at a Pilot truck stop and everywhere else I have seen is 54 dollars but I got mine for 29.99 at walmart. Thanks walmart!
This has been one of the greatest little compact CB's I've ever run. It has crystal clear recieve, a good working squealch and comes with a channel 9/19 switch button, and PA.
Inside this radio, theres a tuneable modulation pot that can easily be turned with a flat head screwdriver. Ive got it tuned up to the max. It deadkeys at 4 watts and swings to 12 watts. Surprisingly, it does not splatter and the truckers report it sounds great on the air like a "big radio". There is another mod that involves clipping the mod limiter resistor, they say you can get out about 20 watts, but I don't reccomend this, it will probably over modulate it.
But running this cheap radio, buying a cheap antenna, and doing a very simple mod, you can get a great sounding radio for a beginner or vet, for a price that won't break your wallet.
I've had fun with this radio and I think it will stay in my collection for a while.