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Search results

  1. Sniper308

    All CB Equipment Must GO.....

    All items in above post are still available. I also have these additional items for sale..... CRE-8900 Mobile 10/11m mobile radio with am, fm, usb, lsb, and cw modes. Unit is high power and computer programable. Perfect working condition. I will include the programing cable with this radio...
  2. Sniper308

    New HAM with lots of questions....

    Thanks for the advice Turbo. Im looking for a HF rig with similar capabilities as yours. I would like to get a nice all band HF rig for my base and move this Icom 2820 out to the truck for a mobile rig. Im in the process of selling all of my CB radio equipment now to help finance the new HF rig...
  3. Sniper308

    All CB Equipment Must GO.....

    Ive recently moved over to ham radio and I have decided to sell all of my CB radio equipment to help with purchase of my new ham equipment. All of this equipment is in perfect working order. Ranger RHF-618 10m/11m radio with CONTINUOUS frequency capability from 24-32MHz. Digital...
  4. Sniper308

    New HAM with lots of questions....

    Ok. Its official. I'm in love. I received the radio on Tuesday. No antenna though. Bummer. The antenna showed up on Wednesday about 4pm. Took me to mid day Thursday to get everything hooked up and tuned in. Im loving 2m so far. I have made more contacts in one day on 2m than all of the contacts...
  5. Sniper308

    New HAM with lots of questions....

    Well today is the day. I'm patiently waiting for the UPS man to get here. Looking forward to talking with some fellow hams. Come on UPS man :D
  6. Sniper308

    New HAM with lots of questions....

    Ya, I should know better than that. I guess I just got so wrapped up in ordering stuff I was like "Ok, SWR meter, I have one of those" lol. I keep forgetting this is a totally different ballgame. Im just so used to only dealing with one type of radio that I guess it habit. I ordered a meter...
  7. Sniper308

    New HAM with lots of questions....

    so would a CB swr meter work for ham in the 2m/70cm bands or that is totally different? Hadn't really thought about that until now.
  8. Sniper308

    New HAM with lots of questions....

    Ok. I took the leap and ordered some radio equipment. After speaking to a few of the local hams here in my area and talking with some reps at Gigaparts and AES, I decided to go with a dual band setup for the time being. One of the deciding factors for me was the fact that I live smack in the...
  9. Sniper308

    New HAM with lots of questions....

    That was just the luck of the draw on the callsign. I was kind of hoping I'd get something cool. I like it. It has a nice ring to it, its easy to remember, and SSB being short for single sideband who could ask for more. Guess I got lucky after all.
  10. Sniper308

    New HAM with lots of questions....

    WOOOOOT! Unrelated to the direction of this thread but something I wanted to share. I just received notification of my passing the technician and general tests. Looks like I'm official now. :D From this point forward I will be known as........... DRUM ROLL PLEASE......... KK4SSB...
  11. Sniper308

    New HAM with lots of questions....

    So far the equipment that I have been looking at is as follows.... Yaesu FT-857D Yaesu FT-897D Kenwood TM-V71A ICOM ID-880H ICOM IC-2080H I would like to buy a full featured radio such as a Yaesu FT-DX1200 but that will have to wait for my year end bonus at work. For now, My budget is...
  12. Sniper308

    New HAM with lots of questions....

    Hello everyone. My name is Louis. I have been a member of these forums for a while now but until today my only radio experience has been on the CB radio bands. Yesterday I took my first HAM radio license exam and passed both my technician and general tests. I am now ready to take my first plunge...
  13. Sniper308

    The F.C.C. in my area!!

    So I'm guessing by that statement that amps were found in some of the homes? No fines were imposed? Was their equipment confiscated? Only warnings were issued?
  14. Sniper308

    Just an update, its been a while...

    Its been a long time since Ive posted here although I have been lurking around looking at a few posts. I returned to the CB hobby about a year ago and had some equipment issues. The members here were very helpful and provided a lot of great advice. Some of you might remember one of my largest...
  15. Sniper308


    Both antennas are SOLD. Thanks guys. I know you will love the Sirio antennas. They are AWESOME.
  16. Sniper308

    Astatic 600 SWR/Power/Modulation Meter

    Still available.
  17. Sniper308


    The new antenna has been sold. Congratulations Conifers4. The used antenna which is in perfect like new condition minus the packaging is still available. Taking $65 plus $10 shipping.
  18. Sniper308


    I have 2 Sirio Performer 5000 magnet mount antennas. One has never been opened or used and is still in the manufacturers packaging. The other antenna has been opened and used roughly one month on my Toyota Tacoma. It is in like new condition with all parts intact and included. These are the best...
  19. Sniper308

    Bad Wreck = New Install

    I recieved the 6" extension for the 102" whip last week. To be honest, I dont know how GunnyPuck can sell this item for $20. Its huge, high quality, and after installing it on my whip my SWR is 1.0 across all 40 channels. You cant beat that for 20 bucks. Im loving this whip. Much better send and...
  20. Sniper308

    Bird RF Watt Meter Questions

    Thats a nice looking meter there HR. :biggrin: Sorry this thread drifted so much but just to update my meter/amp status...... Ive been pissed off for the past week or so (since getting my amp back from Carl) and to be honest had lost any interest I had in messing with my base at all. I...