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  1. 2

    scare tactic ?

    A few of us who were on 10 meters a lot when the last cycle was giving good propagation used to make it a point to start a 10 meter CW qso right on top of the interlopers, as we called them. They would start screaming that we were interfering with them and they "had the channel first."...
  2. 2

    power supply trouble!

    Wow, transformer windings going bad is really rare. If I can find a schematic online I will take a look, linear power supplies are fairly simple to diagnose and fix. Could be something simple like the varible resisitor which controls voltage level has changed in value due to dirt, humidity...
  3. 2

    scare tactic ?

    Maybe more difficult, but certainly not impossible. In the NC area, for a while there were hams patrolling the local truck stops and interstate highways looking for truck drivers who were using the bottom end of 10 meters. A few letters from the FCC to their companies drove them off of the ham...
  4. 2

    Yaesu FT-101EE

    Start by rocking the boards slightly in the edge connector, and check the T/R relay. I had the same issue on a 101E a few years ago and cleaning the relay and the edge connectors on the circuit boards fixed my issues. Also check the bulb fuse in the back. If this does not work come back with...
  5. 2

    Tokyo Hy-Power Amps

    I noticed that a guy who is selling a THP 1.2K on QTH advertised "It has a brand new PA module with the upgraded THP 2933 finals" I wonder what the story is behing the "upgraded final". 73
  6. 2

    Tokyo Hy-Power Amps

    One of the guys I talk to on a regular basis on 75 meters has the THP 2.5k model, from the looks in the photos (thanks for sharing) it is a very rugged amp. It is on my list of amplifers I would like to try one day, my only concern is the proprietory RF devices that Tokyo HP uses in their amps...
  7. 2

    Looking for an amplifier that wont break my band or back

    Last month I repaired an 811H for a friend, which included new tubes. I put in the 572b as replacements. Output was around 475 watts on the H, give or take 25 watts or so. The Ameritron 811 is an okay amplifer, however I was not all that impressed with the build quality, but it is a decent...
  8. 2

    What's the latest with Glen Baxter K1MAN?

    I remember those guys...LOL. Those were the Bad Old Days. You could listen to the antics on 20 meters during the day, those guys screaming about INTERCON and Doc and his "Cloud Warmer", and then you could listen to the war on 75 meters during the evening...:lol: Remember the Rich WB2OTK...
  9. 2


    If you are going to try and run the Palomar, I suggest using a good wideband receiver and check the first three harmonic frequencies when you transmit to ensure that you do not have any spurs. If nothing shows, you might be okay, and don't tell anyone what you are running, no need to give any...
  10. 2

    Yaesu 101e

    FYI for anyone who looks at this thread, you can still get filters for the FT-101's and a bunch of other classic and modern radios from International Radio. International Radio
  11. 2

    who do you think??

    I don't know why I thought 11 meters was concerning AM only. I apologize, forgot about 11 meters SSB, but for AM the 1000D is not a good choice.
  12. 2

    who do you think??

    I haven't seen/heard any modern solid state amateur rigs do AM equivalent to a CB, the dynamic range is just not there because of the tight front ends and filtering, even with the optional AM filters installed. Reception of AM on modern ham rigs sounds flat and bassy as does the transmit. On...
  13. 2


    I know an amateur who runs one of the HLA-300 on 75 meters mobile, seems to work ok, but I've never see what the ouput looks like on a spectrum analyzer. If you are going to buy, I would stick with a true amateur amplifier. I have read reports that the ALS-500 will not do 500 watts as...
  14. 2

    TS-570D Low output power

    Rob, I agree that a lot of the lightening damage potential depends on where you live. According to this study I found on the net, Washington actually has the least amount of lightening density out of the 48 U.S. mainland states. As I suspected, Florida is number 1, my state is near the top 20...
  15. 2

    TS-570D Low output power

    I use the jar because it keeps my all my exposed grounds and lead-ins not dangling loose on the floor when they are NOT connected to my gear. I also have an expansive ground system of 8, 8 foot ground rods, static discharge units, and centralized grounding bus, all located outside. Two years ago...
  16. 2

    TS-570D Low output power

    That is a good question, even though he is using a dummy load, a high SWR reading on an internal SWR meter could indicate a failure in the band pass filter stack. I've experienced this on my Yaesu FT-1000D, it was fine on the lower bands, but on 10 through 20, I had low power output and a high...
  17. 2

    Texas star 667v

    Years ago I had a 667V that used a Toshiba 2290 driving 4 2879's. Typically, I saw 325 watts AM RMS (Bird watts in CB lingo) and 475 watts peak on SSB. These measurments were made using a 50 ohm dummy load through a low pass filter. For accuracy, it is my opinion that you should always measure...
  18. 2

    drake l4b

    Sorry, that was my mistake about the switches :headbang. I don't know what I was thinking, although it has been about 10 years since I've owned an L4-B. Nevertheless, both lights (yellow and red) should light up (could be a bulb if they don't), read up on the operation of the lights in the...
  19. 2

    drake l4b

    A healthy L4B should put out about 1000-1200 watts on SSB, on AM I would not push for anymore than 600 watts peak with 50% duty cycle, 100% modulation, if you want the tubes to have a long happy life. The manual contains all the informaton for output and drive. 73
  20. 2

    Help me identify this strange antenna. . .

    I've never posted photos here, I usually post the photo to photo bucket or some other photo hosting site and provide a link. However, it seems like the antenna may just be one of the 10 meter vertical antennas that used a matching harness. I imagine that with it collapsed down it was acting...