i only turned on the power switch. then it would arc, buzzzz, buzzzz. i could see the plate amperes meter on the front peg out when it would arc. i took the tubes out and checked them. they both looked good. i tried it with the tubes pulled and no problem. then i switched places with the tubes. the arc problem is with one tube only, no matter where i put it.
thanks for the input. i am looking for a tube now....... anyway i have ads on qth and qrz forums looking for one or a pair. i may ad the listing here too.
whoa wait a minute i need to clarify here.
ok when you ask about both switches. the black switch says on /off. the red switch says ssb/ cw tune.
which position should the red swich be in? it was in the cw tune position........so is that what you mean?
Sorry, that was my mistake about the switches :headbang. I don't know what I was thinking, although it has been about 10 years since I've owned an L4-B.
Nevertheless, both lights (yellow and red) should light up (could be a bulb if they don't), read up on the operation of the lights in the manual for the amplifier. The red switch lowers the high voltage level for tuning and when operating CW.
For the 3-500z, I really don't recommend used tubes unless it is someone you trust and know will guarantee them. I know if I am selling used 3-500's I will usually not offer any guarantee, just because they don't store very well. It sounds as though you have a filament to grid short on the one tube.
I highly suggest that if you can swing it, get a pair of the new RF parts branded 3-500ZG tubes from RF parts @$359.00. Or get at least one new one.
Did you contact the guy who sold you the amp? You might be able to cut a deal with him, maybe get him to pay for one half of a new pair of tubes.
The L4-B is a great amp, the RF deck is one of the best ever built. It certainly is worth putting the money into, and yes you can mix the Z and ZG tubes but it is better to run a matched pair.
73 Good luck