That is something I have not checked and will when I get home.What if D44 was shorted? Would that pull down pin 5 to ground?
That is something I have not checked and will when I get home.What if D44 was shorted? Would that pull down pin 5 to ground?
I feel very embarrassed. Eating then heading home and will post findings.
Okay I pulled the real pin 6 and 8 from the board. Pain-8 showing 8 6 showing nothing then I key the mic pin 8 still shows 8volts pin 6 still showing nothing. I then tried another regulator same problem. I then tested for continuity between the pulled pins and the trace they came off of and saw nothing. Then tested from tab to ground on each. And pin to ground on each and saw nothing.well that's a completely different story!
saying that the mic TX pin is shorted to the chassis is completely different from saying that it is shorted to PC board means something very different.
of course it is shorted to PC board ground, because the radio is in TX mode.
put the mic jack and squelch knob back in place, and move your attention back to the MB3756 voltage regulator.
i know you have checked it before, but just for fun, lets do it again.
radio on, no mic connected, radio is in TX mode right?
measure the voltages on pins 1-8 of the MB3756 and post them here.
you should measure 8 volts DC on pin 6 if the radio is in receive mode.
you should measure 8 volts DC on pin 8 if the radio is in transmit mode.
pin 5 is the pin that switches that voltage from pin 6 to pin 8.
my guess is that you will find 8 volts on pin 8, seeing as how the radio is stuck in TX mode.
if that's the case, unsolder pin 6 and pin 8 from the PC board and bend them up so that they are not making contact with the board.
now check the voltages again.
you should see 8 volts on pin 6 and when you key the mic, you should see that voltage move to pin 8.
please post the results of your experiment.
With transistor in place.EDIT!
check the wire that goes from your CB/PA switch to the mic jack. i think you have it connected to the wrong side of C407.
refer to this schematic:
is that with the transistor in place or just the empty traces?